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Chris talks about some of his haunting experiences at the Peyton Randolph House in this clip from the Colonial Ghosts Interview Series. 

Read more at https://colonialghosts.com/video/peyton-randolph-house-haunting-pt-4/

Visit us and book a Williamsburg ghost tour at https://colonialghosts.com

© Colonial Ghosts 2015

Peyton Randolph House Haunting Pt 4: ColonialGhosts.com Interview Series

Charles, a former security guard at Colonial Williamsburg, recounts his sighting of an apparition at the Bruton Parish Church in Colonial Williamsburg in this clip from the Colonial Ghosts Interview Series. Visit us and book a Williamsburg ghost tour at colonialghosts.com!

See more at colonialghosts.com! 
© Colonial Ghosts 2015

Bruton Parish Church Haunting Pt 1: ColonialGhosts.com Interview Series

Charles, a former security guard at Colonial Williamsburg, shares his encounter with a mysterious ghost in the hedge maze behind the Governor's Palace at Colonial Williamsburg in this clip from the Colonial Ghosts Interview Series. 

Read more at https://colonialghosts.com/video/governors-palace-haunting-pt-1/

Visit us and book a Williamsburg ghost tour at https://colonialghosts.com

See more at https://colonialghosts.com ! 
© Colonial Ghosts 2015

Governor's Palace Haunting Pt 1: ColonialGhosts.com Interview Series

Join former security guard Chris as he takes us through areas in the Colonial district of Williamsburg, recalling his haunting experiences on location!

Ghost Interview on Site

Listen to what happened to Pedro, a security guard who worked at Colonial Williamsburg in the 1970s and was trapped in the basement of the Peyton Randolph House. Here what really happened!

Peyton Randolph House Security Trapped in Basement

Curtains seen moving in the second floor of the Peyton Randolph House on a Sunday. Home is closed to tours. One possible explanation is the house's central air conditioning or a draft. However, the movement is constant and is not always seen.

Learn more about the Peyton Randolph House at https://colonialghosts.com/mystery-of-peyton-randolph-house/

Peyton Randolph House Curtains

Video taken on one of the stops on our ghost tour. In this video, the person thought he heard something in the house. He approached the building and heard a voice say "Stop." Seconds later, as he was at the window, he saw the shutters start to move back and forth, gradually with more force. Scared, he then backed away. 

Read about the top 25 haunted locations in Virginia at https://colonialghosts.com/most-haunted-places-in-virginia/

Find out what happened in this house on our extended Ultimate tour and see more at https://colonialghosts.com

© Colonial Ghosts 2015

Voice captured, "Stop", Shutters Move

Something seen moving in the water with a long tail trailing behind. Moving fast. 

See more at colonialghosts.com! 
© Colonial Ghosts 2015

Sea Monster

Video of organ playing: https://colonialghosts.com/video/bruton-ghost-organ-captured-on-video-1130pm/

See more at https://colonialghosts.com
© Colonial Ghosts 2015

Bruton Parish Church Haunted Activity at 2 AM

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