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Hauntings Reported on Tours

This page list a series of Firsthand accounts of Hauntings From Guests that Occurred on our Colonial Ghost Tour in Williamsburg, VA. Some have captured strange things on camera, but others have more than photos to report!

Photo of Steam Tunnels

The Steam Tunnel Footsteps on the Colonial Ghost Tour in Williamsburg, VA

While leading a ghost tour in Williamsburg, something strange happened. To this day, I still have no explanation for it. I haven’t found anyone else with a scientific explanation for this either.

I’d taken my tour group to a place where horrible crimes once happened: the steam tunnels. I shined my flashlight through the tunnel’s grate, so my group could try to see down to the bottom of the tunnel. I told my group not to expect to see much because of the heavy rain. The downpour made it so we couldn’t see much of the cobblestone walkway at the bottom of the tunnel, but we all looked down, anyway.

Suddenly, through the rain, we all watched three footsteps appear, one after another. The footsteps seemed to be slowly walking through the water. There was nothing else moving in or on the water. There were no frogs, rats, or any other animal making those shapes. No one dropped anything through the grate to make the water move like that. The rain wasn’t making those footsteps. It couldn’t do that. There were no clear explanations for those footsteps in sight. My group froze. So did I. We were terrified.

My group looked at me with a mixture of fear and denial, as if what we’d just seen couldn’t possibly be real, like I had to have used some kind of special effects to fake it. But, no, I was as scared and surprised as they were, and from the terror on my face, we all realized that those footsteps had to be real. We all knew that what we’d witnessed was something paranormal. That sighting changed us, and we all bonded over sharing such an eerie experience. I can’t speak for my tour group, but I know I’ll never forget those footsteps.

-Ghost Tour Guide, Williamsburg
Photo of Steam Tunnels

Steam Tunnel Whispers Heard on Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

We host a wide variety of people on our tours in Williamsburg. This includes those who believe in ghosts, and those who don’t. A chance encounter at the steam tunnel changed the mind of one of our more skeptical guests. The guest was sure ghosts weren’t real… then she went on our tour.

At the steam tunnel, the guest’s group heard the history and hauntings of the site. As the tour group walked over the steam tunnel grate, the guest heard a horrible laugh echoing from below. She stumbled ahead, shaky. She asked the rest of the group and tour guide if anyone had heard “that.” We replied that we hadn’t heard anything. The guest started to cry, still trembling. She told us about the laughter.

-Ghost Tour Guide,
The Path of Death in Colonial Williamsburg Virginia

Path of Death on Colonial Ghosts Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

In August 2014, while on our ghost tour in Williamsburg, a guest reported a creepy brush with the paranormal. We’d taken our tour group to the Path of Death, a dark, haunted pathway. The guest walked along with the group. She assumed she wasn’t the last person out of the path, because a hand touched her shoulder. She laughed, thinking her friends were trying to mess with her. As she left the Path and turned right to join the rest of the group, she saw her friends ahead of her. Confused, she looked back at the path. The guest swore the hand belonged to one of her friends behind her, but no one was there.  She screamed. She ran up to her friends, excitedly telling the whole group about the hand.

-Ghost Tour Guide,
The Peyton Randolf House with lights

The Peyton Randolph House Lights photographed on the Colonial Ghosts ghost tour in Williamsburg, VA

From inside the Peyton Randolph House in Williamsburg, Virginia, we saw mysterious lights. The lights were seen coming from the windows. The beams of light were bright and cool-toned.

Wythe House Glow in the windows

PHOTOGRAPHED! Wythe House Glow in Window during ghost tour in Williamsburg VA

“My husband and I were on this ghost tour in Williamsburg. We went the Saturday before Halloween 2014, looking for something fun and spooky to do before the holiday. We weren’t disappointed! Look at the fire at the bottom of the photo. And so many orbs!”

-JoAnn, October 30, 2014, Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA
Peyton Randolf House

Peyton Randolf House Knock story from ghost tour in Williamsburg VA

“After our Williamsburg, VA ghost tour, we went back to the Peyton Randolph House. We stood in front of the house, but not too close. There was a knock. It came from inside the house. It was clear as day. The two of us heard the knock. It had a pattern: one knock, then a pause, then another knock, then stop. We had someone else in our group come to the house and also listen to prove we weren’t just hearing things. That time, there were about 4 or 5 knocks, all gentle. Like tapping. We left. About 2 hours later, we returned to the house. I tried taking a video of the house. You can’t really see anything, but you can hear the knocks if you listen close enough. I swear I’m not crazy!”

-Mr. and Mrs. Pantan, at the Peyton Randolph House
The haunted Secretary's Office in Williamsburg, Virginia

Haunting Secretary Office Photographed on Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

In 2014, on one of our Ultimate Ghost Tours in Williamsburg, VA, our guests witnessed a figure move across the Secretary’s Office. The figure appeared to be on fire, or maybe glowing with light.

Peyton Randolf House during a Ghost Tour

Peyton Randolf House Haunting Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

“While our tour was at the Peyton Randolph House, I broke away from the group. I walked a third of the way up the walkway to take some pictures. I didn’t walk the whole way up. I stopped because I got this sudden, strong feeling like someone was watching me. Quickly, I snapped a few photos, then I practically ran back to the group. The photo is what my camera picked up. Focus on the top windows. If you zoom in, there is what clearly looks like a face in the third window from the right hand side.”

-Bryan T, October 1, 2014, on a Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA
Photos near the Haunted Bruton Parish

Photographed on Bruton Parish Haunting Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA

“On our ghost tour in Williamsburg, VA, something crazy happened to my group. We were at the Bruton Parish Church. It was late at night. The church was closed. It was dark, all the lights were off. While we were taking a photo of a curtain moving violently across a window, our phones malfunctioned. Suddenly, our phones flickered on and off. Then they froze. Our phone flashlights were stuck on. It was like trying to take a photo of the curtain nearly broke our phones. Here’s a pic from that night of three of our phones frozen at the same time!”

-Group, May 1, 2014, Bruton Parish Church
Mans face at the Peyton Randolf House

Photographed on Ghost Tour in Williamsburg VA Peyton Randolf House Mans Face

“My friend used a flashlight to look into the window on the first floor of the Peyton Randolph House. We looked around inside. I saw a small ball floating around. It looked like the size of two fists. The ball started in the top left corner of the door. Then it traveled down to the bottom of the upper flight of stairs. After that, it drifted up to the ceiling. It disappeared. I think I was the only one who saw it, but I can’t forget about seeing that. So weird.”

-Ryan, January 31, 2015, at the Peyton Randolph House
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